Section Calendar
Scores auto-refresh every 3 minutes

None Scheduled

None Scheduled

6/18/24: NEW: It is OFFICIAL.

High School Sport Stats and Section III have reached an agreement that will keep High School Sport Stats' agreement in place through the 2024-2025 school year.

We think it's great, and are working hard to make HSSS and its tools for your management and seeding of your sectional seasons and post seasons great for you, your players, and your communities of family and fans.

HSSS has made the Fall of 2024 pages active. If Winter and Spring committees want access sooner (this summer) let us know. Chairs: Your Team Owners' lists should be reviewed for accuracy and access. If you have committee members who should have access, send me their names and the email they are registered with (if new, they will have to register).

NEW COACHES: get registered as soon as you can. For 2024-2025, we encourage coaches to use the reporting tools for games and game stats more and more. Emailing game reports after a game, not only fulfills the duties of a coach, but updates the website for your players as well. Final scores drive the seeding and for the sports using Bradley-Terry, daily entry of game scores gives your committee seeding information all season long.

All roster imports from last year, will be automatic this year. Your roster imports are done. Coaches only need edit their returning players and add any new varsity players to their rosters. As you know, this also imports their stats for their records.

HSSS will leave getting your team schedules to entry by your coaches. Committee chairs have tools to track progress through the summer. Getting an early start on this would prevent a rush in the fall.

HSSS looks forward to a great 2024-2025 sports year with you all.